The Deron School’s Guide to Special Education Resources

Special Education Resources & Organizations You Should Know About

The Deron School provides students with several relevant special education resources and organizations. We understand that students with different learning needs require specialized support, and we are committed to helping them succeed in the classroom.

We have compiled a list of helpful special education resources and organizations for our students and families to access. Our guide has something for everyone, from comprehensive databases to specialized support groups. Here is a brief overview of some of the most useful special education resources available:

The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

This organization offers up-to-date information on disabilities in children from infancy through age 21, along with educational materials and publications about early intervention, assessment, planning for transition into adulthood, and other topics.

 The Special Education Network

This site provides a comprehensive database of special education resources organized into categories such as types of disabilities, educational research, and more. This is an excellent resource for parents, educators, and students looking for information related to special education.

The Special Education Parent Advocacy Group

This organization provides resources and support for families of special education students. They provide information on services available in the community and advice for parents navigating the special education system.

The Council for Exceptional Children

This organization is dedicated to promoting the success of children with exceptionalities by providing various information, from professional development opportunities to policy initiatives.

Local Support Groups

Many communities have local support groups that can offer guidance, support, and information about available resources. These groups can provide helpful resources for families with children who have disabilities or learning differences. They offer advice on topics like IEPs, legal rights, and advocacy.

Special Education Support Groups

These groups can support parents and educators through networking opportunities, workshops, conferences, and other services. Parents can access helpful resources and connect with others navigating the special education system by joining a support group.


We wish all our students success in their educational journey! We know they can achieve great things with the right resources and support. Thank you for entrusting The Deron School with your child’s academic needs.

Choose The Deron School

The Deron School offers a state-approved private school program and services tailored to your child’s needs. If you believe that your child would benefit from our wide array of resources and services, don’t hesitate to contact us with any admission inquiries.

Join The Deron School at the Alliance Fair on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 11am-1pm. We hope to see you there!
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