What Do Special Education Services Entail?

Special Education Services Available at The Deron School

To provide the best education possible for students with disabilities, The Deron School offers a range of special education services. These services are designed to meet the unique needs of each student and may include specialized instruction, accommodations, and support services.

The special education team at The Deron School comprises highly qualified professionals who are dedicated to helping each student reach their full potential. The team includes educators, therapists, and support staff that work together to meet the needs of each student.

The Value of Special Education

Special education services can provide vital support for students with disabilities to help them succeed in school and beyond. In addition, special education services can also benefit students without disabilities who may require additional assistance to reach their full potential.

What Do Special Education Services Entail?

Special education services can take many different forms, depending on the student’s needs. They may include special instruction, accommodations, or modifications in the curriculum. In addition, special education services may also involve therapies or interventions that are designed to help students overcome specific challenges.

3 Special Education Services at The Deron School

ABA Therapy

One special education service available at The Deron School is ABA therapy. This therapy is designed to help students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) learn new skills and improve their overall schooling. ABA therapy involves working one-on-one with a therapist to target specific communication, social skills, and behavior goals.

Sensory Integration

This type of therapy is beneficial for students who have difficulty processing information through their senses. For example, a student with sensory integration issues may be overwhelmed by noise or unable to focus in a busy environment. By providing specific activities and exercises that stimulate the senses, students can better cope with their environment.

Speech-Language Pathology

Speech and language therapy is often recommended for students who have difficulty communicating verbally. This type of therapy can help students improve their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

How The Deron School Can Help

The Deron School offers a state-approved private school program and services tailored to your child’s needs. If you believe that your child would benefit from our wide array of resources and services, don’t hesitate to contact us with any admission inquiries.

The Deron School in Union will be hosting a Job Fair on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 9am-1pm. Please click here for additional information.
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