Extended School Year

Each year, The Deron School offers ESY (Extended School Year – Summer School) programs for students who are eligible to attend under the Federal Requirements of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). According to IDEA, every student with a disability has certain rights, including Extended School Year (ESY) services if considered appropriate.*

Deron’s Extended School Year (ESY) programs offer individualized academic instruction, transition activities & related services to students who require these services beyond the traditional school year. While they receive on-going instruction in academic areas, and related services; students also participate in physical education, daily living skills, music, art, workshop, woodcrafts, gardening as well as other outdoor experiences.

Throughout the summer, students venture beyond the school on a regular basis to participate in extensive community experiences. In addition to structured and recreational swimming, students take part in numerous field trips (many with interactive features) to destinations such as live theater, baseball games, museums, and the airport. Students also enjoy live performances at the school, which have previously included magic, laser-light, and animal science special events.

Students are motivated through challenging programs:

  • Theme-based units
  • Computer-assisted learning
  • Classes in Art, Music, Woodshop, etc.
  • Cooking & Gardening
  • Structured learning experiences, including transitional

*A student’s eligibility for Extended School Year services is determined at their annual IEP meeting by the IEP Team (student, parent/guardian(s), LEA Child Study Team representative, teachers and support service providers). Although there is no single criteria, regression over the summer months & the time required to regain the prior level of skill are important factors in determining eligibility; the degree of disability and availability of alternative resources are among other factors to be considered.

We are hosting a Job Fair at our Montclair Campus on Tuesday, March 25 from 4-7pm and Saturday, March 29 from 9-1pm. See the flyer for additional information.
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