How to Help Your Child Learn To Cope With Anxiety

Parents of special needs children are always looking for new techniques to help with their education and any form of anxiety they may have. Although some forms of anxiety never completely go away, they can be treated and coped with. There are many different factors that can cause anxiety for your child, such as grades, socializing, and even moving to a new school. Here are some methods to learn how to handle those feelings.

Stay Calm

Take a moment to breathe and think about a calm way to diffuse the situation. The last thing you want is for your child’s anxiety to turn into screaming or a temper tantrum. It is important to remember that your child may not understand what is happening to him or her, and these feelings can be confusing. As soon as you are able to get your child calm, remove him or her from the situation and try to distract your child with snacks and a toy or an object that he or she likes.

Ask What’s Wrong

Simply asking your child what is upsetting them can be a lot easier if you do so in a calm manner that helps get to the root of the issue. Showing your child that he or she is not going to get into trouble will enable him or her to freely talk to you about his or her feelings.

Help Your Child Practice Self-Care

Teaching your child how to practice self-care is important. This involves showing your child how to bathe and brush his or her teeth properly, and how to eat a well-balanced meal. Another integral part of self-care includes daily exercise. Finding fun ways to get your child to exercise will help them get active. Exercise also helps release mood-lifting hormones called endorphins.

Plan Well, But Be Flexible

It is almost impossible to plan for every stressful moment that your child is going to have. Yet, you can be as prepared as possible to help minimize feelings of anxiety, such as waking your child earlier in the morning or explaining what is on your child’s agenda for the day. Having a backup plan will also help diffuse any negative situations.

If you are looking for a special education school in New Jersey, contact The Deron School today.

Join The Deron School at the Alliance Fair on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 11am-1pm. We hope to see you there!
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